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Discover What Do Hens Like To Eat: Feeding Tips & More

As a passionate caretaker of backyard chickens, I’ve always been curious about the diverse menu my hens enjoy and understand what do hens like to eat.

Their appetite seems vast, yet I’ve learned that providing them with hen food options that they like to eat everyday plays a pivotal role in their health and egg production.

Through trial and error and diligent research, I’ve gathered feeding hens tips that ensure a balance between their love for foraging and the need for healthy chicken feed.

Join me as we explore the essentials of a nutritious diet for our feathered friends.

If you want to learn more you can read my longer article about Can Chickens Eat Jalapenos? Fowl Feeding Facts Unveiled

What Do Hens Like To Eat?

what do hens like to eat

What Do Hens Like To Eat? Apples, sans the seeds, offer sweet nourishment, and like almonds. Chickens are also fans of vegetables, and offering them cooked beans or beets can provide both variety and nutrition.

Key Takeaways

  • Balanced and varied diet is crucial for hen health and productivity.
  • Healthy chicken feed should make up the majority of their daily intake.
  • Foraging and treats add enjoyment but require moderation.
  • Understanding hen diet preferences supports egg quality and production.
  • Stay informed on safe and toxic foods to ensure hen wellness.

The Importance of a Balanced Diet for Backyard Chickens

Ensuring my lovely flock of backyard chickens receives the best diet for hens has been a commitment of mine, aiming to provide them with all the essential nutrients for hens.

A nutritious diet for chickens not only enhances their well-being but also optimizes their egg-laying prowess.

The cornerstone of their diet is a specially formulated layer feed, rich in vitamins and minerals that are critical for their health.

Dive deep into the array of nutrients that make up a balanced diet for our feathered friends.

The key is the right balance, ensuring they derive ample satisfaction from their meals, especially during the seasons where foraging becomes a scarce luxury.

A blend of selected fruits, vegetables, and grains complements their primary feed, creating a well-rounded feast that supports their vibrant lifestyle year-round.

  • Layer feed reigns supreme as the essential base for daily consumption
  • Supplementary fruits and vegetables during non-foraging seasons or as treats
  • Inclusion of grains to diversify their diet and keep their taste buds enticed
NutrientBenefits for ChickensFood Sources
ProteinSupports egg production and overall growthLayer feed, mealworms, legumes
CalciumPromotes strong eggshells and skeletal healthLayer feed, crushed oyster shells, leafy greens
Vitamins A and DEssential for healthy vision and egg developmentLayer feed, carrots, sunlight exposure
Essential Fatty AcidsCrucial for energy and cellular functionLayer feed, flax seeds, fish oil

Swapping treats and grains into the mix brightens their day and invites an array of color to their plates.

Yet, it’s crucial to keep these indulgences within the recommended intake to avoid a dietary imbalance.

Warm their hearts in the chill of winter with additional hearty choices that keep their energies high and bodies robust.

I hold dear the responsibility of catering to my chickens’ nutritional needs, ensuring a thriving habitat in my backyard.

By honoring the best diet for hens, rich in essential nutrients for hens, and mapped with a nutritious diet for chickens, each delightful cluck and vibrant feather stands as a testament to their radiant health.

Understanding the 90/10 Feeding Rule for Hens

When it comes to feeding backyard chickens, I’ve often come across the “90/10 feeding rule for hens” which is a cornerstone for their diet regulation.

This rule serves as an excellent guideline for backyard chicken enthusiasts like me, ensuring our feathered ladies get just the right mix of complete feed and treats for optimal health and egg production.

The rule implies that 90% of a chicken’s diet should be composed of complete feed, which is specially formulated with a balanced mix of nutrients.

Complete feed is designed to meet the complex nutritional needs of laying hens, providing them with 38 crucial nutrients for robust growth and prolific egg-laying.

These feeds come in various formulations, catering to different stages of a chicken’s life—from chick starter-growers to layer feeds.

The remaining 10% of the diet can include various treats that could range from table scraps to scratch grains or even insect treats.

However, this is where moderation becomes key. For an average-sized hen, with a daily consumption of around 0.25 pounds of feed, treat portions should not surpass roughly two tablespoons in volume.

Respecting this feeding balance is particularly vital during the laying period.

Overfeeding treats can lead to nutritional imbalances, thereby affecting not only the health of my hens but also the quality and quantity of their eggs.

Here’s a table that provides a clearer picture of how to implement the 90/10 rule:

Feed TypeProportionApproximate Daily Quantity (per hen)
Complete Feed90%0.25 pounds
Treats (Scraps, Grains, etc.)10%2 tablespoons

To ensure I am not exceeding the 10% treat allocation, I’ve found it helpful to actually measure out treat portions.

Meanwhile, the complete feed is always available to them, so they can self-regulate their intake based on hunger and instinct.

It is quite rewarding to witness the enthusiasm of my hens when I distribute their treats.

Whether it’s a scattering of grains or some leftover vegetables, it’s a pleasure to see them forage and peck with delight. Yet, staying disciplined in following the 90/10 rule is essential for their well-being.

By sticking to this rule and feeding backyard chickens responsibly, I’m able to maintain a healthy flock and bountiful egg production, all the while enjoying the bond that comes from treating my hens to a few special goodies.

Natural Food for Hens: What Can Chickens Forage?

As I stroll through my backyard with the morning sun peeking over the horizon, I can’t help but smile at the sight of my hens enthusiastically scratching and pecking at the earth.

They are in pursuit of the natural food for hens that my garden abundantly provides.

Understanding what hens like to eat and drink not only satisfies their foraging instincts but also contributes to their nutritional needs.

My girls, as I fondly call them, show a particular fondness for a variety of greens and other vegetation that they come across during their daily explorations.

Among their favorites are the nutritious dark leafy greens like kale and chard, which they consume with apparent delight.

Moreover, watching them chase down the occasional unsuspecting insect offers reassurance that they’re getting their protein in the most natural way possible.

Their varied diet, I’ve noticed, contributes to the rich, golden yolks that are a testament to their healthy eating habits.

  • Lettuce and kale for vitamins and minerals
  • Turnip greens and chard for a healthy snack
  • Carrots and squash for beta-carotene
  • Cucumbers to keep them hydrated
  • Seasonal delights like watermelon, strawberries, and blueberries for a sweet treat

Ensuring that the foraging area is safe and free from any potentially harmful plants or substances is an essential step I take regularly.

It’s a small task that reaps significant benefits for my feathered friends.

What to Watch for in Foraging Areas

While allowing hens to forage, it’s crucial to monitor what they munch on. I keep my eyes peeled for any toxic plants or materials that can harm their health.

If an area is suspect, I steer them clear, making sure my garden is a haven for them to safely indulge their natural instincts.

Forage TypeNutritional BenefitNotes
Dark Leafy GreensHigh in vitamins and mineralsContributes to richer egg yolks
Insects & GrubsSource of proteinEncourages natural feeding behaviors
Garden VegetablesVariety of essential nutrientsAlso provides hydration
Seasonal FruitsNatural sugars and vitaminsOffered in moderation to prevent overindulgence

Indeed, the activity of foraging is more than just a means to an end for my hens—it’s a joyous and instinctive part of their day.

While commercial feeds provide the bulk of their nutritional needs, the addition of what hens like to eat and drink from their foraging adventures undoubtedly enhances their well-being and the quality of their eggs.

Hen Food Options: Safe Treats You Can Give Your Chickens

As an avid backyard chicken keeper, I’m always on the lookout for hen food options that will not only delight my feathered friends but also contribute to their health and encourage them to lay eggs.

Finding the right treats that you can safely give your chickens adds variety to their diet and sparks joy in their daily routine.

Let’s dive into some wholesome treats that are not only safe but beneficial for your backyard flock.

Chickens enjoying their treats

Almonds are a fantastic source of protein and should be on your list of treats. Just remember to offer them in moderation, and watch as your hens peck away happily at these nutritious nuts.

Apples, sans the seeds, offer sweet nourishment, and like almonds, can be part of what to feed chickens to make them lay eggs due to their health benefits.

  • Almonds – High in protein, moderation is key
  • Apples (seedless) – Nutritious and delicious
  • Cooked Asparagus – Packed with essential vitamins
  • Broccoli – A vegetable treat rich in nutrients
  • Bananas – A sweet treat full of potassium
  • Basil – Herb that could potentially deepen egg yolk color
  • Fresh Bread (crumbled) – Enjoyed in small amounts as a comfort food

Chickens are also fans of vegetables, and offering them cooked beans or beets can provide both variety and nutrition.

When treating your chickens with bell peppers, ensure that you avoid the stems and leaves, focusing on the nutrient-rich flesh of the peppers.

The bursts of color from bell peppers are not only visually stimulating for your chickens but are also a part of creating a nutritious diet for them.

For a berry good time, scatter some blackberries and blueberries in their coop.

These antioxidants-rich treats are incredibly healthy, filled with essential vitamins that aid in maintaining a well-balanced diet, which is crucial when considering what to feed chickens to make them lay eggs.

Here’s a detailed breakdown of some safe treats and their benefits:

TreatNutritional BenefitsFeeding Notes
AlmondsProtein, Magnesium, Vitamin EIntroduce in moderation due to high fat content
Apples (without seeds)Fiber, Vitamin CRemove all seeds before serving
Cooked AsparagusVitamins A, C, K, and ECan be given raw or cooked, chopped into small pieces
BroccoliVitamin C, K, and IronCan be given raw or steamed
BananasPotassium, Vitamins, FiberPeel and serve in moderation
BasilAntioxidants, Vitamins A and KFresh leaves can be mixed into their regular feed
Fresh BreadCarbohydratesOffer in small amounts to prevent choking

Of course, it’s vital to remember that these treats are not a substitute for complete feed but rather complementary goodies that should adhere to the 90/10 rule where treats don’t exceed 10% of their diet.

This way, you can balance what to feed chickens to make them lay eggs and what to give them for a bit of pleasure, thereby ensuring a happy and healthy flock.

Toxic Foods: What Not to Feed Your Chickens

As a devoted keeper of backyard chickens, it’s my duty to be aware of the toxic foods for chickens to avoid inadvertently harming my flock.

Chickens have robust appetites and possess a natural curiosity for various foods, but it’s crucial to recognize that not all human foods are safe for them.

In my experience, steering clear of certain items is vital for the health and safety of my chickens.

What not to feed your chickens is as important as the nutritious treats you provide. Toxic or unhealthy items can lead to serious health issues and even mortality among your feathered friends.

I’ve compiled an essential list of foods known to be hazardous to chickens’ health.

  • Citrus Fruits: These can cause the chickens to absorb less calcium, leading to weaker eggshells and potential reproductive issues.
  • Uncooked Beans: They contain phytohaemagglutinin, which is toxic to chickens and can be fatal, even in small amounts.
  • Green Potato Skins: Potatoes that have turned green indicate the presence of solanine, a toxin that’s bad for chickens.
  • Onions: This vegetable can lead to hemolytic anemia because of the presence of a toxin called thiosulphate.
  • Avocado Skin and Seeds: Contains persin, which can be incredibly toxic to chickens, leading to heart issues and even death.
  • Rhubarb: Contains anthraquinones that can cause a laxative effect, and high levels of oxalic acid especially when damaged by cold, which can be fatal.
  • Moldy or Rotten Foods: These can produce toxins that are harmful to your chickens’ health.
  • Excessively Salty Foods: Chickens cannot process high amounts of salt, and it can lead to serious health problems.

Quick Reference Table for Toxic Foods

Food TypeComponent of ConcernPossible Effects on Chickens
Citrus FruitsUnknown ChemicalsCalcium absorption issues, weak eggshells
Uncooked BeansPhytohaemagglutininFatal toxicity
Green Potato SkinsSolanineSolanine poisoning
OnionsThiosulphateHemolytic anemia, health issues
Avocado (Skin/Seeds)PersinHeart problems, high mortality risk
RhubarbOxalic AcidLaxative effect, potentially fatal
Moldy/Rotten FoodsMycotoxinsHealth deterioration
Excessively Salty FoodsSodiumSalt poisoning, dehydration, death

Adhering to this crucial guidance on toxic foods for chickens will help ensure that my backyard chickens stay healthy and vibrant.

Remember, it’s not just about what chickens can eat, but being mindful about what not to feed your chickens is equally essential.

By eliminating these risky items from their diet, I can sleep soundly knowing that I’m not exposing my chickens to avoidable dangers.

Best Diet Practices for Laying Hens

Discovering the best diet practices for laying hens has been a transformative journey for me as a chicken enthusiast.

A high-quality complete feed that’s specifically formulated for laying hens forms the backbone of this nutritional regimen, supplying the essential nutrients necessary for peak egg production and overall health.

Protein and calcium stand out as critical elements in their diet, reinforcing the strength of eggshells and the vitality of the hens.

While the primary diet should revolve around these complete feeds, incorporating treats like fresh vegetables and fruits can add zest and nutritional value to their daily intake.

But it’s not just about the occasional indulgence; following the 90/10 rule, where treats supplement no more than ten percent of their diet, is essential.

For a smooth transition into integrating these recommendations into your hens’ diet, here’s a table to guide you:

Best Diet Practices for Laying Hens
NutrientRole in Hen HealthSources
ProteinCrucial for egg production and feather growthComplete layer feed, insects, seeds
CalciumStrengthens eggshells, vital for bone healthLayer feed, oyster shell supplements, leafy greens
Vitamins & MineralsSupports immune system and metabolic processesFruits like blueberries, vegetables like carrots

Alongside the key nutrients listed, variety and moderation have become my guiding principles when it comes to hens’ treats.

It’s not just about offering anything available but about selecting the right kind of supplementation that can genuinely enrich their diet without compromising their egg-laying capabilities.

Small portions of leafy greens, colorful veggies, and seasonal fruits constitute a delightful treat ensemble that brings nutritional balance and joy to each peck and cluck.

Ensuring that these treats remain within the ten percent margin is pivotal to prevent any negative impacts on my hens’ prolific laying and the quality of the eggs they produce.

In the end, the best diet practices for laying hens revolve around providing a stable diet of specially formulated feed, with a dash of culinary diversity to keep our feathered ladies thriving.

Organic Feed for Hens: Is it Worth the Switch?

Delving into the world of backyard chicken care, I’ve often pondered the benefits of organic feed for hens.

I’m constantly seeking the best for my flock, and as such, the prospect of offering a healthy chicken feed that’s free from pesticides, herbicides, and GMOs has been quite appealing.

Advocates for organic feed argue that such a diet could significantly enhance the well-being and longevity of chickens.

But what does it mean to truly go organic? The term “organic” extends beyond the absence of chemicals—it’s a holistic approach to farming that encompasses the well-being of the soil, ecosystems, and even the welfare of animals.

So when it comes to feed, organic options are crafted to comply with strict regulations that define what it means to be organic in agriculture.

  • Organic feed may foster a more robust immune system in hens
  • It’s believed that organic feed leads to better quality eggs
  • Organic farming supports more sustainable agricultural practices

The quest for organic feed for hens is not just about health, it’s also about aligning with a philosophy that prioritizes sustainability and natural living.

As a responsible chicken keeper, it’s up to me to evaluate if the switch aligns with my ethics and the goals I have for my flock.

ConsiderationNon-Organic FeedOrganic Feed
IngredientsPotentially includes GMOs, pesticides, and other chemicalsNo GMOs, pesticides, or synthetic chemicals used
Animal HealthSufficient for chicken health, but may lack certain quality assurancesPotentially improves overall health and egg production
Environmental ImpactCan contribute to greater ecological imbalance and pollutionPromotes sustainable agriculture and better soil health
CostTypically more affordableGenerally more expensive, but can be seen as an investment

One can’t discuss organic feed without touching on the financial aspect. There’s no denying that organic options generally come with a higher price tag.

In my experience, weighing the cost involves not just the immediate outlay but also considering the potential long-term health benefits for my hens, not to mention the environmental advantages of supporting organic farming practices.

Ultimately, the decision to switch hinges on one’s perspective and priorities. Are the potential benefits to my feathery friends and the environment worth the additional cost?

It’s a personal choice that requires thoughtful consideration, much like any lifestyle decision.

For me, it’s also about the joy of watching my chickens thrive on a diet that’s as close to nature as possible.

In conclusion, the choice to embrace organic feed for hens is a layered one, encompassing health, ethics, and finances.

Armed with knowledge and an understanding of my flock’s needs, I aim to provide the best possible care, whether that includes organic feed or not.

Feeding Backyard Chickens: How Much and How Often?

My mornings often start with the clucking of my chickens, eagerly anticipating their first meal of the day.

Maintaining a consistent routine for feeding backyard chickens plays a substantial role in their health and egg production.

Reflecting on the harmony between feed quantity and feeding frequency is vital for any backyard chicken keeper.

So, how much and how often should one feed their backyard flock? Here’s the scoop based on my experience and available knowledge.

Chickens have robust appetites, reflective of their active days spent foraging and pecking around the yard.

On average, a single chicken consumes about 0.25 pounds of feed daily. I’ve found that layer feed, which meets their nutritional needs, should constitute the majority of their diet.

As for treats – those delightful extras that chickens adore – they are important, too, but should be kept to no more than 10% of their daily intake to ensure a balanced diet.

I make it a point to feed my chickens once in the morning, setting the pace for their day.

It’s when I distribute their main serving of layer feed, providing the energy they need for optimal performance, whether it’s laying firm shelled eggs or merely jaunting around the yard with vibrancy.

However, this feeding schedule doesn’t mean they’re restricted from feeding throughout the day.

Accessibility to fresh food and water at all times allows my chickens to eat when they naturally feel the need, which supports their instinctive eating habits.

Feeding Backyard Chickens Schedule

Let’s break things down with a table to illustrate the daily feeding guidelines I follow:

Feed TypeQuantity per ChickenFrequency
Layer Feed0.25 poundsDaily in the morning
Treats (vegetables, fruits, grains)No more than 10% of daily intakeScattered throughout the day
Fresh WaterAlways availableRefreshed at least twice daily

Ensuring that my chickens have unrestricted access to fresh water is a rule etched in stone within my caring regimen.

Not only does it cater to their hydration needs, but it also aids in digestion and overall metabolic processes. I refresh their water sources at least twice a day, more if the weather calls for it.

Through consistent observation, I’ve come to understand that while chickens can regulate their feed intake quite efficiently, disciplined feeding practices help prevent waste and overeating.

Monitoring their consumption is a part of the nurturing process and reinforces the joy of raising backyard chickens.

It’s always fulfilling to watch them thrive on the feeding schedule that balances their how much and how often feeding needs.

Nutritious Diet for Chickens: Essential Nutrients to Focus On

As I delve deeper into the world of backyard poultry, I’ve come to realize the profound impact a nutritious diet for chickens has on their health and egg production.

It’s not just about supplying them with feed; it’s about ensuring they get all the essential nutrients for hens that contribute to their well-being. Proteins, vitamins, minerals—they’re all crucial components.

For instance, protein is the powerhouse behind egg production and muscle development. Without adequate protein, my hens would be lethargic and their eggs, subpar.

Likewise, calcium plays the hero in shell strength. A deficiency here, and the eggs are prone to cracks and breaks—no good for anyone involved.

But that’s not all. A balanced blend of fibers, vitamins A, C, K, and B6, plus minerals like magnesium, manganese, iron, and potassium, form a tapestry of nutrition that keeps my chickens healthy and vibrant.

Every nutrient has a role—a purpose in the complex life of a hen.

Over the years, I’ve honed a feeding regimen that highlights these nutrients. Here’s a snapshot of what I keep in my nutritional toolkit:

  • Protein from quality feed and occasional treats like mealworms
  • Calcium from crushed oyster shells and eggshell supplements
  • Fibers sourced from grains and vegetables
  • Vitamins from greens and a variety of garden produce
  • Minerals scattered throughout their diverse diet, often naturally occurring

However, the key is balance and proportion—too much of one thing or not enough of another can quickly disrupt their harmony.

So, let’s look at these essential nutrients in a more structured format:

NutrientImportanceFood Sources
ProteinMuscle development and egg productionQuality layer feed, mealworms, seeds
CalciumStrong eggshells, bone healthCrushed oyster shells, supplemental layers feed
FiberDigestive healthVegetables, grains
Vitamins A, C, K, and B6Immune system, clotting, metabolism, and growthLeafy greens, peppers, fruits
Minerals (magnesium, manganese, iron, potassium)Various body functions, including enzyme activation and oxygen transportGrains, fruits, vegetables, and supplements as needed

Ensuring that my chickens have access to these essential nutrients means carefully selecting their feed and providing a range of foods that cover all bases.

Sometimes, that means allowing them to forage for bugs and greens, other times, it’s about supplementing with kitchen scraps that are healthy and safe.

At the end of the day, my girls’ vibrant feathers, spirited clucking, and the basket of fresh eggs are the daily reminder that a nutritious diet for chickens is the cornerstone of a thriving coop.

DIY Healthy Chicken Feed: Recipes and Ideas

Embarking on the DIY healthy chicken feed journey has been one of the most rewarding aspects of raising my backyard flock.

There’s something truly special about mixing your own feed—you’re in control of the ingredients and can tailor your recipes to your chickens’ needs.

For those looking to craft their feed, I’ve got some recipes and ideas that hit all the right nutritional notes.

Starting with the basics, a good chicken feed formula balances grains, legumes, and seeds. These are not just fillers; they’re packed with nutrients essential for the flock’s health.

Grains like wheat and corn are excellent sources of carbohydrates, whereas legumes such as peas contribute protein.

And let’s not overlook the power-packed punch of seeds—sunflower and pumpkin seeds contain oils and nutrients that promote healthy feathers and skin.

However, protein is a key macronutrient that sometimes requires supplementation—especially for laying hens.

This is where mealworms or fish meal come into play, boosting the protein content of your DIY feed and supporting strong eggshell production.

But remember, everything in moderation—the key is to maintain a balanced mix.

Of course, we can’t forget about vitamins and minerals; they’re responsible for a myriad of metabolic processes.

So, to your homemade mix, it’s beneficial to add a vitamin and mineral premix to ensure no nutrient is left behind, guaranteeing a healthy and flourishing flock.

DIY healthy chicken feed recipes and ideas

Sample DIY Chicken Feed Recipe

Here’s a simple yet effective recipe to get you started on making your own chicken feed:

  • 4 parts wheat
  • 2 parts corn
  • 1 part pea
  • 1/2 part sunflower seeds
  • 1/2 part pumpkin seeds
  • 1 part mealworms or fish meal for protein
  • Vitamin and mineral premix according to the product’s instructions

Mix all the ingredients well and store them in a cool, dry place. And there you have it—a balanced, nutritious, and DIY healthy chicken feed that will keep your girls clucking happily.

Additional Tips for Your Homemade Feed

While the above recipe provides a solid foundation, feel free to get creative and adjust the ingredients based on your flock’s preferences and needs.

Just ensure that you’re not overdoing it with any particular ingredient to avoid nutritional imbalances.

IngredientBenefitsRecommended Proportion
WheatCarbohydrates, Fiber40%
CornCarbohydrates, Protein20%
Sunflower seedsOils, Vitamin E5%
Pumpkin seedsAntioxidants, Zinc5%
Mealworms/Fish mealHigh-quality protein10%
Vitamin and Mineral PremixEssential vitamins and mineralsAs per product guidelines

Remember, diving into DIY healthy chicken feed is a process of learning and exploration.

It’s about finding the perfect recipe that not only fulfills the nutritional demands of your flock but also keeps mealtime exciting for your feathered friends.

Embrace the journey, and enjoy the satisfaction of creating recipes and ideas that promote a happy and healthy chicken lifestyle.

Feeding Tips: Maintaining Hygiene and Safety

Feeding my backyard chickens is not just about keeping their bellies full; it’s also about maintaining hygiene and safety to ensure they’re in tip-top health.

As a chicken keeper, I have developed a routine that prioritizes the cleanliness of their feeding environment, and I want to share some essential feeding tips that have served me well.

Firstly, regular cleaning of the feeders and waterers is a staple in my chicken care practices. I ensure that any residues are promptly scrubbed off, preventing mold and bacterial infestations.

Secondly, clearing out leftover food is crucial – it minimizes the chances of attracting unwanted pests. And speaking of feed, its storage is paramount;

I make sure it’s stored in airtight containers, away from moisture and pests to prevent contamination.

I’ve found that having a checklist greatly aids in maintaining the health of my flock and keeps their living conditions pristine. Here’s a breakdown of my feeding routine essentials:

  • Clean feeders and waterers – to eliminate any potential sources of diseases
  • Remove uneaten food – to keep the coop appealing and reduce pest attraction
  • Secure feed storage – to maintain the quality of the chickens’ food
  • Fresh water availability – crucial for hydration and digestion

Incorporating these practices is not only about feeding tips; it’s also about promoting a sustainable and safe living environment.

Here’s an additional look at the practices that have become non-negotiable in my routine:

Daily cleaning of waterersDailyPrevents algae and bacterial growth
Sanitizing feedersWeeklyProtects against mold and bacteria
Checking feed for spoilageWith each refillAverts the risk of feeding contaminated food
Refreshing water supplyTwice dailyEnsures chickens have access to clean water at all times

My commitment to maintaining hygiene and safety when feeding my backyard chickens becomes more rewarding with each healthy cluck and feather fluff.

It’s a gentle reminder that the wellbeing of my feathered friends is a direct reflection of the care and diligence put into their daily maintenance.

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At journey’s end of exploring what do hens like to eat, the culinary preferences of our backyard companions, we’ve uncovered vital insights about what hens like to eat and the practices that comprise keeping chickens thriving.

Embracing the 90/10 rule has been instrumental in maintaining a balanced diet, coupling hearty essentials with just the right portion of delightful treats.

We’ve navigated through an array of safe snacking options, ensuring variety without veering from nutritional needs, and been vigilant about steering clear of foods harmful to our feathery friends.

Whether incorporating organic feed into our chickens’ regime or handcrafting our very own chicken feed, the goal remains unwavering: a diet rich in essential nutrients that leads to a happy, prosperous flock.

A combination of hygiene, safety measures, and dietary mindfulness align to form a symbiotic environment, fostering robust health and plentiful egg production.

This has been an affirmation of the joys and responsibilities tethered to the art of poultry rearing.

Ultimately, my experience in keeping chickens has been as much about providing sustenance as it has been about cultivating a sanctuary where what hens like to eat mirrors their natural habits.

It’s a blend of nurture and nature, ensuring my backyard is a haven for chickens to not just live, but to flourish.

With these guiding principles, both new and seasoned chicken enthusiasts can look forward to the rewarding echo of contented clucks and the sight of vibrant plumage, hallmarking a well-cared-for and well-fed brood.